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Review Article | OPEN ACCESS

A review of the management of chronic subdura haematoma

E Morgan1,2, B Adetunmbi3, C Ofuadarho2, E Poluyi4

1Department of Surgery, Ambrose Alli Uiversity, Ekpoma, Nigeria; 2Department of Surgery, Irrua Specialist Teaching Hospital, Irrua. Nigeria; 3Department of Surgery, Federal Medical Centre, Abeokuta, Nigeria; 4Neuroscience Division, University of Roehampton, London, United Kingdom.

For correspondence:-  E Morgan   Email:  

Received: 26 July 2020        Accepted: 2 September 2020        Published: 24 September 2020

Citation: Morgan E, Adetunmbi B, Ofuadarho C, Poluyi E. A review of the management of chronic subdura haematoma. Trop J Med Dent Pract 2020; 1(1):45-52 doi: https://doi.org/10.47227/tjmdp/v1i1.7

© 2020 The author(s).
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Chronic subdural haematoma (CSDH) commonly refereed as the great mimicker and it is a slow evolving blood collection located between the dura and the arachnoid layer which is surrounded by a capsule. It mainly affects elderly male individuals. Computerized tomography scan of the brain is the investigation of choice and surgery is the mainstay of treatment. Recurrence of CSDH is the most common complication and this is an important point in neurosurgical parlance and accounts for 10- 20% of post-operative complications.

Keywords: Subdural, haematoma, surgery, recurrence

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