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Case Report | OPEN ACCESS

An unusual location of uterine myoma in the Pouch of Douglas in a grandmultiparous woman in Kogi State Specialist Hospital, Lokoja, Nigeria

Salime Dorcas Onuminya , S A Obaje

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Kogi State Specialist Hospital, Lokoja, Nigeria;

For correspondence:-  Salime Onuminya   Email:  dorcasonuminya@gmail.com   Tel:  +2348038224168

Published: 07 December 2021

Citation: Onuminya SD, Obaje SA. An unusual location of uterine myoma in the Pouch of Douglas in a grandmultiparous woman in Kogi State Specialist Hospital, Lokoja, Nigeria. Trop J Med Dent Pract 2021; 2(4):113-116 doi: 10.47227/tjmdp.v2i4.5

© 2021 The author(s).
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Uterine myomas are the most common benign tumors of the female genital tract. They most frequently affect the uterine myometrium, but can develop in various sites within the body. A case report of an unusual location of uterine myoma in the Pouch of Douglas (POD) in a grandmulti-parous in a 36-year old woman is presented and discussed.

Keywords: terine myomas, unusual location, Pouch of Douglas, Laparotomy, Histopathology, Diagnosis, treatment delima

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